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Boys 8th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2001 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 16, 2001
Boys 8th Grade      
2.0 miles  


Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Jefferson                  Scott Anerino (8)          0:11:20.0
  2     2  Jefferson                  Eric Anerino (8)           0:11:45.3
  3     3  Washington                 David Kostal (8)           0:12:05.9
  4     4  Kennedy                    Max Anderson (8)           0:12:11.5
  5        Hill                       Kevin Burns (8)            0:12:22.7
  6     5  Jefferson                  Eric Pedersen (8)          0:12:25.4
  7     6  Granger                    John Gibbs (8)             0:12:25.8
  8     7  Scullen                    J.J. Starr (8)             0:12:29.2
  9     8  Jefferson                  Ryan Smat (8)              0:12:31.7
 10     9  Jefferson                  Doug Guarascio (8)         0:12:33.2
 11    10  Madison                    Ryan Summers (8)           0:12:36.9
 12    11  Lincoln                    Andrew Coakley (8)         0:12:37.4
 13    12  Gregory                    TJ Perna (8)               0:12:38.8
 14    13  Gregory                    Brian Verbus (8)           0:12:42.3
 15    14  Kennedy                    Kyle Cassin (8)            0:12:44.7
 16    15  Lincoln                    Brian Beaird (8)           0:12:45.0
 17    16  Kennedy                    Alexander Milldrum (8)     0:12:45.5
 18    17  Kennedy                    Alex English (8)           0:12:46.5
 19    18  Crone                      Michael Winek (8)          0:12:56.1
 20    19  Madison                    Tony Senkeviciuo (8)       0:13:02.8
 21    20  Lincoln                    Colin Riley (8)            0:13:03.7
 22    21  Jefferson                  Scott Scholz (8)           0:13:04.0
 23    22  Washington                 Drew Menke (8)             0:13:04.7
 24    23  Madison                    Joe Ladewski (8)           0:13:06.0
 25    24  Jefferson                  Scott Hixson (8)           0:13:07.5
 26    25  Madison                    Jay Duffy (8)              0:13:07.7
 27    26  Gregory                    Jon Berglan (8)            0:13:17.1
 28    27  Still                      Robert Ormerod (8)         0:13:17.7
 29    28  Kennedy                    Andrew Augustyniak (8)     0:13:19.6
 30        Hill                       Alex Wood (8)              0:13:24.2
 31    29  Madison                    Danny Short (8)            0:13:26.7
 32        Jefferson                  Eric Vong (8)              0:13:28.4
 33        Hill                       Matt Ehlebracht (8)        0:13:31.0
 34        Jefferson                  Sebastian Mandia (8)       0:13:35.3
 35        Jefferson                  Sean Rochambeau (8)        0:13:36.1
 36    30  Kennedy                    Colin Heyson (8)           0:13:36.7
 37    31  Granger                    Chris Miller (8)           0:13:40.7
 38    32  Madison                    Brendan O'Donnell (8)      0:13:41.3
 39    33  Crone                      Steve Genco (8)            0:13:48.1
 40    34  Gregory                    James Nuxoll (8)           0:13:54.1
 41    35  Still                      Justin Banks (8)           0:13:54.8
 42    36  Lincoln                    Dominic Geraci (8)         0:13:56.2
 43        Hill                       Paul Happ (8)              0:13:56.7
 44    37  Lincoln                    Scott Oliver (8)           0:13:58.1
 45        Jefferson                  Andrew Oloffson (8)        0:13:58.7
 46        Jefferson                  Joe Ballent (8)            0:13:59.9
 47    38  Lincoln                    Matt Murray (8)            0:14:05.7
 48        Jefferson                  Alex Krzywda (8)           0:14:08.6
 49    39  Gregory                    Matt Britten (8)           0:14:09.5
 50    40  Madison                    Chris Meister (8)          0:14:12.2
 51    41  Lincoln                    Joey Siwicki (8)           0:14:13.6
 52        Madison                    Kyle DeBuck (8)            0:14:20.5
 53        Jefferson                  Phil Watson (8)            0:14:22.5
 54    42  Still                      Ryan Ketchem (8)           0:14:25.3
 55    43  Still                      Billy DeLisle (8)          0:14:25.6
 56        Madison                    Derek Krebs (8)            0:14:31.2
 57    44  Still                      Zach Lawson (8)            0:14:32.5
 58    45  Granger                    Josh Shepard (8)           0:14:37.1
 59    46  Kennedy                    Kenny Lamm (8)             0:14:37.5
 60        Madison                    James Redford (8)          0:14:38.6
 61        Kennedy                    Jeremy Lee (8)             0:14:51.7
 62        Kennedy                    Michael Sandercock (8)     0:14:59.5
 63        Lincoln                    Colin Daly (8)             0:15:06.1
 64    47  Gregory                    Cory Sackett (8)           0:15:08.4
 65    48  Gregory                    Kevin Hlava (8)            0:15:15.0
 66    49  Crone                      Eric Olen (8)              0:15:16.7
 67        Lincoln                    Kevin Teufel (8)           0:15:17.0
 68    50  Crone                      Jacob Day (8)              0:15:24.1
 69    51  Scullen                    Matt Hennessy (8)          0:15:28.4
 70    52  Crone                      Phil Lozano (8)            0:15:30.8
 71    53  Scullen                    Nick Krawiec (8)           0:15:31.1
 72        Gregory                    Derek Doerfler (8)         0:15:31.5
 73        Kennedy                    John Hochstetter (8)       0:15:34.8
 74        Lincoln                    Bryon Diamond (8)          0:15:37.3
 75        Jefferson                  Jon TeVogt (8)             0:15:40.9
 76        Gregory                    Jon Miller (8)             0:15:42.5
 77    54  Granger                    Matt Schmid (8)            0:15:43.7
 78    55  Granger                    Jacob Beardsley (8)        0:15:44.7
 79        Madison                    Max Garland (8)            0:15:45.9
 80    56  Crone                      David Duncan (8)           0:15:50.5
 81        Gregory                    Mike Newquist (8)          0:15:56.8
 82    57  Crone                      Joe Murphy (8)             0:16:02.4
 83        Madison                    Sean Parmalee (8)          0:16:04.1
 84        Crone                      Dan Murphy (8)             0:16:07.1
 85    58  Granger                    Dustin Fix (8)             0:16:07.6
 86        Madison                    Ryan Kainrath (8)          0:16:10.2
 87        Gregory                    Scott Bevineau (8)         0:16:11.0
 88        Lincoln                    Jason Duncan (8)           0:16:20.1
 89        Lincoln                    Alex Cohen (8)             0:16:22.0
 90        Madison                    Dan McDonald (8)           0:16:24.0
 91    59  Washington                 Alex Yang (8)              0:16:24.8
 92    60  Washington                 Jakub Kolacz (8)           0:16:33.8
 93        Madison                    Kevin Zinsmeister (8)      0:16:34.9
 94        Madison                    Kevin Ching (8)            0:16:37.4
 95        Gregory                    Rohan Prasad (8)           0:16:42.2
 96        Crone                      Curt Kennedy (8)           0:16:45.6
 97        Lincoln                    A.J. Pikula (8)            0:17:06.4
 98        Crone                      Sean Grady (8)             0:17:31.2
 99    61  Washington                 Roland Sajor (8)           0:17:40.7
100        Crone                      Joey Kauzlarich (8)        0:17:51.5
101        Lincoln                    Justin Trizenberg (8)      0:18:24.6
102    62  Washington                 Asad Siraj (8)             0:18:41.4
103    63  Scullen                    Kyle Funaro (8)            0:19:02.2
104        Gregory                    Matt McKenzie (8)          0:19:18.6
105        Gregory                    Taylor Wu (8)              0:19:34.5
106        Kennedy                    Senthil Rathinavelu (8)    0:19:35.5
107        Gregory                    Roman Nohria (8)           0:19:47.3
108    64  Scullen                    Brady Sullivan (8)         0:19:56.6
109    65  Scullen                    Andy Kirk (8)              0:20:46.4
Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Jefferson                     25        1,   2,   5,   8,   9,  21,  24
  2   Kennedy                       79        4,  14,  16,  17,  28,  30,  46
  3   Madison                      106       10,  19,  23,  25,  29,  32,  40
  4   Lincoln                      119       11,  15,  20,  36,  37,  38,  41
  5   Gregory                      124       12,  13,  26,  34,  39,  47,  48
  6   Still                        191       27,  35,  42,  43,  44
  7   Granger                      191        6,  31,  45,  54,  55,  58
  8   Crone                        202       18,  33,  49,  50,  52,  56,  57
  9   Washington                   205        3,  22,  59,  60,  61,  62
 10   Scullen                      238        7,  51,  53,  63,  64,  65
 11   Hill                       No Score - Had only 4 finishers
Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Jefferson                  60:38   12:08   1:14   11:20, 11:46, 12:26, 12:32, 12:34, 13:04
  2  Kennedy                    63:50   12:46   1:08   12:12, 12:45, 12:46, 12:47, 13:20, 13:37
  3  Madison                    65:21   13:04   0:50   12:37, 13:03, 13:06, 13:08, 13:27, 13:42
  4  Lincoln                    66:22   13:16   1:20   12:38, 12:45, 13:04, 13:57, 13:58, 14:06
  5  Gregory                    66:43   13:21   1:31   12:39, 12:43, 13:17, 13:54, 14:10, 15:09
  6  Still                      70:38   14:08   1:15   13:18, 13:55, 14:26, 14:26, 14:33
  7  Granger                    72:13   14:27   3:19   12:26, 13:41, 14:37, 15:44, 15:45, 16:08
  8  Crone                      72:56   14:35   2:35   12:56, 13:48, 15:17, 15:24, 15:31, 15:51
  9  Washington                 75:51   15:10   5:35   12:06, 13:05, 16:25, 16:34, 17:41, 18:42
 10  Scullen                    82:31   16:30   7:27   12:30, 15:29, 15:32, 19:03, 19:57, 20:47
 11  Hill                      No Score                12:23, 13:25, 13:31, 13:57
Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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