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Girls Varsity
Girls Varsity Boys Varsity

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Official Advancers
Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Individual Qualifiers (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)
Individual Qualifiers (by time)



IHSA Class A Cross Country Sectional Championship hosted by Oregon H.S.

Official Advancers:

The following teams will advance to the Illinois State Finals on Nov. 6, 2004.

Place           School            Score
  1   Winnebago                     64 
  2   Bureau Valley                 77 
  3   Byron                        133 
  4   Oregon                       151 
  5   Sherrard                     163 

The following seven athletes will advance as individuals to the Illinois
State Finals on Nov. 6, 2004.

Place         Name                        School
  1   Marlana Haefelin (Jr)       305  Sandwich                 
  2   Rachel Brubaker (Jr)        371  Durand                   
  5   ShannonGilbert (Sr)         237  Newman Central Catholic  
  6   Ashley Lucas (Fr)           351  Elgin St. Edward         
  8   Terah Cheatham (Jr)         374  Polo                     
 10   Brianna Mueller (Jr)        190  Harvard                  
 12   Andrea Fouke (Sr)           372  Mendota                  



October 30, 2004
Girls Varsity       
3.0 Miles  

Course record is 0:18:53.7 by Audra Carlson of Winnebego H.S. on November  1, 2003

Ovral Score          School          BIB#           Name                Time
  1     1  Sandwich                   305 Marlana Haefelin (Jr)      0:19:00.9
  2        Durand                     371 Rachel Brubaker (Jr)       0:19:34.9
  3     2  Winnebago                  330 Audra Carlson (Jr)         0:19:56.1
  4     3  Winnebago                  335 Tracy Lotter (Jr)          0:19:57.0
  5     4  Newman Central Catholic    237 ShannonGilbert (Sr)        0:20:07.6
  6        Elgin St. Edward           351 Ashley Lucas (Fr)          0:20:26.0
  7     5  Byron                      167 Lauren Sible (Fr)          0:20:26.4
  8        Polo                       374 Terah Cheatham (Jr)        0:20:26.8
  9     6  Winnebago                  332 Rachael Gortowski (So)     0:20:27.5
 10     7  Harvard                    190 Brianna Mueller (Jr)       0:20:33.3
 11     8  Bureau Valley              139 Alisa Barron (Fr)          0:20:41.8
 12        Mendota                    372 Andrea Fouke (Sr)          0:20:43.4
 13        Plano                      354 Megan Johnson (So)         0:20:44.6
 14     9  Bureau Valley              148 Molly VonHolten (So)       0:20:48.4
 15    10  Kewanee                    197 Shea Boehle (Jr)           0:20:52.1
 16    11  Bureau Valley              145 Jessica Reis (Jr)          0:20:55.9
 17    12  Aurora Christian           132 Ann Schuette (Fr)          0:20:59.5
 18        Aledo                      381 Rebekah Clark (Jr)         0:20:59.8
 19    13  Rockford Lutheran          293 Liz Buzzard (So)           0:21:03.0
 20    14  Sherrard                   323 Niki Lecander (Sr)         0:21:04.6
 21    15  Aurora Central Catholic    114 Stacy Aloisio (So)         0:21:13.2
 22        Rockford Christian         364 Jenna Mull (Jr)            0:21:13.5
 23    16  Harvard                    187 Lauren Fog (So)            0:21:14.7
 24    17  Aurora Christian           129 Anna Morgan (Fr)           0:21:15.1
 25    18  Hampshire                  176 Ashley Howle (Jr)          0:21:15.6
 26    19  Hampshire                  174 Elyse Doherty (Sr)         0:21:16.2
 27    20  Winnebago                  336 Lauren Thomas (Jr)         0:21:16.7
 28    21  Bureau Valley              138 Jill Arnold (Jr)           0:21:17.3
 29    22  Oregon                     258 Kim Brown (Jr)             0:21:17.7
 30        Orion                      383 Amber Hoffman (Sr)         0:21:21.8
 31    23  Rockford Lutheran          296 Emily Flanders (Jr)        0:21:22.0
 32    24  Oregon                     262 Crystin Manis (So)         0:21:28.9
 33    25  Sherrard                   320 Libby Harris (Sr)          0:21:31.0
 34    26  North Boone                246 Jordan Grady (So)          0:21:33.4
 35    27  Byron                      164 Lindsey Glass (Sr)         0:21:37.4
 36        Rockford Christian         363 Kirsten Ellis (So)         0:21:39.1
 37    28  Bureau Valley              140 Lauren Gunawan (So)        0:21:39.3
 38    29  Oregon                     264 Sara Peters (So)           0:21:42.1
 39    30  Oregon                     268 Mary Troutman (So)         0:21:44.5
 40    31  North Boone                250 Stefanie West (Fr)         0:21:48.7
 41    32  Byron                      165 Andrea Maines (Jr)         0:21:49.4
 42    33  Winnebago                  337 Megan Waggoner (So)        0:21:49.8
 43    34  Byron                      170 Kayla Toops (Jr)           0:21:51.5
 44    35  Byron                      172 Kelsey Wild (Fr)           0:21:51.9
 45    36  Harvard                    189 Brittany Matteson (So)     0:21:52.4
 46    37  Sherrard                   321 Tara Hartley (Jr)          0:21:53.5
 47    38  Kewanee                    200 Clarissa LaFlora (So)      0:21:53.9
 48    39  Bureau Valley              147 Jennifer Stone (Sr)        0:21:54.6
 49        Stockton                   375 Hope Wilson (So)           0:21:55.3
 50    40  Aurora Central Catholic    115 Becky Boedewig (Jr)        0:21:56.3
 51    41  Aurora Central Catholic    122 Jamie Nagel (Fr)           0:21:57.7
 52        Mendota                    373 Clair Sack (Sr)            0:21:58.6
 53        Alwood                     382 Nina Johnson (So)          0:22:00.6
 54    42  Sherrard                   319 Jill Fried (Fr)            0:22:01.5
 55        Elgin St. Edward           352 Erica Minier (So)          0:22:04.0
 56    43  Aurora Christian           130 Kristen Rasich (Sr)        0:22:04.7
 57        Rockridge                  385 Lara Applegate (Jr)        0:22:08.1
 58    44  Burlington Central         158 Whitney Pilcher (Sr)       0:22:14.5
 59    45  Sherrard                   317 Chelsey Butler (Sr)        0:22:17.1
 60    46  Oregon                     259 Sydney Cope (So)           0:22:18.2
 61    47  Oregon                     261 Kayla Hanke (Jr)           0:22:19.1
 62    48  Rock Falls                 285 Ashley Keaschall (Jr)      0:22:19.9
 63    49  Sandwich                   308 Megan Lundeen (So)         0:22:20.4
 64    50  Marian Central Catholic    223 Tara Giralamo (Jr)         0:22:23.9
 65    51  Princeton                  271 Justine Kinsman (Sr)       0:22:24.7
 66    52  Alleman                    108 Sara Michaletti (Jr)       0:22:25.5
 67    53  Aurora Christian           125 ElizabethClapp (Fr)        0:22:26.0
 68    54  Burlington Central         160 Emily Zipoy (Fr)           0:22:27.0
 69    55  Burlington Central         152 Ashley Hebert (Jr)         0:22:27.8
 70        Somonauk                   355 Ashley Cusimano (So)       0:22:29.4
 71    56  Princeton                  273 Aly Marti (So)             0:22:29.9
 72    57  Alleman                    107 Betsy Mack (Jr)            0:22:30.6
 73        Richmond-Burton            362 Caitlin Kaman (Jr)         0:22:31.4
 74    58  Alleman                    111 Jessica Sedam (Sr)         0:22:34.2
 75    59  North Boone                249 Becca Ward (So)            0:22:35.0
 76    60  Sherrard                   318 April Calderone (Jr)       0:22:38.0
 77    61  Rockford Lutheran          300 Kayleigh Rosing (Jr)       0:22:41.0
 78    62  Rockford Lutheran          298 Rachel McMahon (Sr)        0:22:42.5
 79    63  Harvard                    192 Sami Seagren (Sr)          0:22:44.4
 80    64  Rock Falls                 284 Marissa Hacker (Fr)        0:22:45.7
 81    65  Kewanee                    201 Karyssa Martin (Sr)        0:22:46.7
 82    66  Oregon                     267 Sarah Troutman (Jr)        0:22:46.9
 83    67  North Boone                247 Jessica Schmuggerow (Fr)   0:22:47.5
 84    68  North Boone                245 Amanda Blasinski (Fr)      0:22:47.8
 85    69  Rock Falls                 282 Jackie Caudillo (So)       0:22:48.7
 86    70  Burlington Central         156 Ashley Kijowski (Sr)       0:22:50.6
 87    71  Hampshire                  175 Ashton Holman (Jr)         0:22:51.3
 88    72  Newman Central Catholic    239 Hannah MeKeel (So)         0:22:52.3
 89    73  Kewanee                    199 Kari Findley (Jr)          0:22:54.2
 90    74  Sherrard                   326 Lindsie Pettie (So)        0:22:54.7
 91        Marengo                    211 Sarah Knutson (So)         0:22:55.0
 92        Riverdale                  384 Abby Boardman (Fr)         0:22:55.8
 93    75  Aurora Christian           131 Kristen Renninger (Sr)     0:22:56.3
 94    76  Alleman                    110 Katie Scheckel (Jr)        0:23:00.0
 95    77  Harvard                    185 Susannah Cartland (Sr)     0:23:00.7
 96    78  Alleman                    106 Kelly Layer (So)           0:23:01.3
 97    79  Hampshire                  177 Rebecca Lackowski (So)     0:23:02.1
 98    80  Harvard                    193 Jessica Soutar (Fr)        0:23:05.9
 99    81  Kewanee                    198 Kim Downs (Sr)             0:23:10.9
100    82  Harvard                    191 Heidi Orr (Sr)             0:23:11.8
101    83  Burlington Central         157 Tessa Meyer (So)           0:23:12.5
102    84  Rock Falls                 287 Molly Lenox (So)           0:23:13.4
103    85  Rockford Lutheran          295 Liz Flanders (Fr)          0:23:14.4
104    86  Marian Central Catholic    225 Sarah Leon (So)            0:23:19.2
105    87  Newman Central Catholic    241 Kaile Schreiner (Sr)       0:23:20.3
106    88  Bureau Valley              144 Erin Nichols (Sr)          0:23:21.7
107    89  Burlington Central         159 Amanda Sauer (Jr)          0:23:22.2
108    90  Marian Central Catholic    226 Amanda Lewis (Sr)          0:23:22.6
109    91  Princeton                  275 Lindsey Toth (So)          0:23:23.6
110    92  Kewanee                    203 Caitlin Ryan (Sr)          0:23:26.8
111        Marengo                    212 Brittany Munnich (Fr)      0:23:27.9
112    93  Hampshire                  178 Erin Wise (So)             0:23:28.6
113    94  Byron                      163 Jackie Freidel (Fr)        0:23:29.9
114    95  Sandwich                   312 Alison Shopinski (Jr)      0:23:30.2
115    96  Alleman                    112 Kate Stiles (So)           0:23:31.1
116    97  Rockford Lutheran          299 Lilly Moller-Jacobs (So)   0:23:31.6
117    98  Aurora Central Catholic    113 Gina Aloisio (Fr)          0:23:33.8
118        Elgin St. Edward           353 Madeline Richmond (So)     0:23:34.1
119    99  North Boone                248 Dana Szarzynski (Jr)       0:23:34.6
120   100  Princeton                  272 Sarah Luloff (Jr)          0:23:35.8
121   101  Byron                      162 Whitney Folven (Sr)        0:23:48.0
122   102  Rock Falls                 288 Lexie Wilder (Fr)          0:23:52.5
123   103  Kewanee                    202 Racheal Ryan (Fr)          0:23:53.2
124   104  Newman Central Catholic    233 EmilyFerres (Fr)           0:24:01.1
125   105  Burlington Central         151 MeKenna Guarino (Jr)       0:24:01.9
126   106  Newman Central Catholic    238 Katie Knolhoff (Jr)        0:24:03.9
127   107  Aurora Christian           127 Liz Hamm (So)              0:24:09.8
128   108  Aurora Central Catholic    120 Amanda Meyer (So)          0:24:15.1
129   109  Marian Central Catholic    221 Rosemary Adams (So)        0:24:19.6
130   110  Alleman                    104 Stacey Ernat (So)          0:24:20.1
131   111  Winnebago                  333 Brittney Kroening (So)     0:24:20.9
132   112  Aurora Christian           128 Savanna Lacey (So)         0:24:33.9
133   113  Aurora Central Catholic    116 Valerie Cintron (Fr)       0:24:37.2
134   114  Rockford Lutheran          301 Kelsey Swenson (Jr)        0:24:39.5
135        Marengo                    213 Tessa Pyrek (Fr)           0:24:43.2
136   115  Marian Central Catholic    222 Tess Budmayr (So)          0:24:51.8
137   116  Sandwich                   311 Jessica Schumacher (Fr)    0:24:53.4
138   117  Sandwich                   309 Allison Pueler (So)        0:24:56.5
139   118  Sandwich                   310 Karma Reeve (So)           0:25:00.1
140   119  Hampshire                  173 Katie Belin (So)           0:25:02.6
141   120  Marian Central Catholic    228 Katie Robbins (So)         0:25:02.9
142        Rockford Christian Life    365 Rachel Hofmann (Jr)        0:25:30.7
143   121  Winnebago                  331 Kestrel Felton (So)        0:25:31.4
144   122  Aurora Central Catholic    118 Karissa Kerber (So)        0:26:02.0
145        Richmond-Burton            361 Jenna Joestgen (Jr)        0:26:47.1
146   123  Princeton                  269 April Arnett (Jr)          0:27:42.2
147   124  Newman Central Catholic    235 WhitneyMosher (Jr)         0:28:14.0
148   125  Marian Central Catholic    227 Tarra McDonald (Fr)        0:28:56.3
149   126  Newman Central Catholic    236 BetsyBaumann (Sr)          0:29:01.8
Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Winnebago                     64        2,   3,   6,  20,  33, 111, 121
  2   Bureau Valley                 77        8,   9,  11,  21,  28,  39,  88
  3   Byron                        133        5,  27,  32,  34,  35,  94, 101
  4   Oregon                       151       22,  24,  29,  30,  46,  47,  66
  5   Sherrard                     163       14,  25,  37,  42,  45,  60,  74
  6   Harvard                      199        7,  16,  36,  63,  77,  80,  82
  7   Aurora Christian             200       12,  17,  43,  53,  75, 107, 112
  8   Rockford Lutheran            244       13,  23,  61,  62,  85,  97, 114
  9   North Boone                  251       26,  31,  59,  67,  68,  99
 10   Kewanee                      267       10,  38,  65,  73,  81,  92, 103
 11   Hampshire                    280       18,  19,  71,  79,  93, 119
 12   Aurora Central Catholic      302       15,  40,  41,  98, 108, 113, 122
 13   Burlington Central           306       44,  54,  55,  70,  83,  89, 105
 14   Alleman                      321       52,  57,  58,  76,  78,  96, 110
 15   Rock Falls                   367       48,  64,  69,  84, 102
 16   Newman Central Catholic      373        4,  72,  87, 104, 106, 124, 126
 17   Sandwich                     378        1,  49,  95, 116, 117, 118
 18   Princeton                    421       51,  56,  91, 100, 123
 19   Marian Central Catholic      450       50,  86,  90, 109, 115, 120, 125
 20   Aledo                      No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 21   Alwood                     No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 22   Durand                     No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 23   Elgin St. Edward           No Score - Had only 3 finishers
 24   Marengo                    No Score - Had only 3 finishers
 25   Mendota                    No Score - Had only 2 finishers
 26   Orion                      No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 27   Plano                      No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 28   Polo                       No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 29   Richmond-Burton            No Score - Had only 2 finishers
 30   Riverdale                  No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 31   Rockford Christian         No Score - Had only 2 finishers
 32   Rockford Christian Life    No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 33   Rockridge                  No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 34   Somonauk                   No Score - Had only 1 finisher
 35   Stockton                   No Score - Had only 1 finisher
Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place          Name              BIB#          School                 Time
  1   Marlana Haefelin (Jr)       305  Sandwich                    0:19:00.9
  2   Rachel Brubaker (Jr)        371  Durand                      0:19:34.9
  5   ShannonGilbert (Sr)         237  Newman Central Catholic     0:20:07.6
  6   Ashley Lucas (Fr)           351  Elgin St. Edward            0:20:26.0
  8   Terah Cheatham (Jr)         374  Polo                        0:20:26.8
 10   Brianna Mueller (Jr)        190  Harvard                     0:20:33.3
 12   Andrea Fouke (Sr)           372  Mendota                     0:20:43.4
Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Winnebago                 103:28   20:42   1:54   19:56, 19:57, 20:28, 21:17, 21:50, 24:21
  2  Bureau Valley             105:25   21:05   0:58   20:42, 20:49, 20:56, 21:18, 21:40, 21:55
  3  Byron                     107:39   21:32   1:25   20:27, 21:38, 21:50, 21:52, 21:52, 23:30
  4  Oregon                    108:34   21:43   1:01   21:18, 21:29, 21:43, 21:45, 22:19, 22:19
  5  Sherrard                  108:49   21:46   1:12   21:05, 21:31, 21:54, 22:02, 22:17, 22:38
  6  Harvard                   109:28   21:54   2:27   20:34, 21:15, 21:53, 22:45, 23:01, 23:06
  7  Aurora Christian          109:43   21:57   1:57   21:00, 21:15, 22:05, 22:26, 22:57, 24:10
  8  Rockford Lutheran         111:04   22:13   2:12   21:03, 21:22, 22:41, 22:43, 23:15, 23:32
  9  North Boone               111:34   22:19   1:14   21:34, 21:49, 22:35, 22:48, 22:48, 23:35
 10  Kewanee                   111:39   22:20   2:19   20:52, 21:54, 22:47, 22:55, 23:11, 23:27
 11  Hampshire                 111:56   22:23   2:13   21:16, 21:17, 22:52, 23:02, 23:29, 25:03
 12  Aurora Central Catholic   112:58   22:36   3:01   21:14, 21:57, 21:58, 23:34, 24:15, 24:38
 13  Burlington Central        113:14   22:39   0:58   22:15, 22:27, 22:28, 22:51, 23:13, 23:23
 14  Alleman                   113:34   22:43   0:36   22:26, 22:31, 22:35, 23:00, 23:02, 23:32
 15  Newman Central Catholic   114:27   22:53   3:56   20:08, 22:53, 23:21, 24:01, 24:04, 28:14
 16  Sandwich                  114:44   22:57   5:56   19:01, 22:21, 23:31, 24:54, 24:57, 25:00
 17  Rock Falls                115:02   23:00   1:33   22:20, 22:46, 22:49, 23:14, 23:53
 18  Marian Central Catholic   118:19   23:40   2:28   22:24, 23:20, 23:23, 24:20, 24:52, 25:03
 19  Princeton                 119:38   23:56   5:18   22:25, 22:30, 23:24, 23:36, 27:43
 20  Aledo                     No Score                21:00
 21  Alwood                    No Score                22:01
 22  Durand                    No Score                19:35
 23  Elgin St. Edward          No Score                20:26, 22:04, 23:34
 24  Marengo                   No Score                22:55, 23:28, 24:44
 25  Mendota                   No Score                20:44, 21:59
 26  Orion                     No Score                21:22
 27  Plano                     No Score                20:45
 28  Polo                      No Score                20:27
 29  Richmond-Burton           No Score                22:32, 26:47
 30  Riverdale                 No Score                22:56
 31  Rockford Christian        No Score                21:14, 21:39
 32  Rockford Christian Life   No Score                25:31
 33  Rockridge                 No Score                22:08
 34  Somonauk                  No Score                22:30
 35  Stockton                  No Score                21:56
Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place          Name              BIB#          School                 Time
  1   Marlana Haefelin (Jr)       305  Sandwich                    0:19:00.9
  2   Rachel Brubaker (Jr)        371  Durand                      0:19:34.9
  5   ShannonGilbert (Sr)         237  Newman Central Catholic     0:20:07.6
  6   Ashley Lucas (Fr)           351  Elgin St. Edward            0:20:26.0
  8   Terah Cheatham (Jr)         374  Polo                        0:20:26.8
 10   Brianna Mueller (Jr)        190  Harvard                     0:20:33.3
 12   Andrea Fouke (Sr)           372  Mendota                     0:20:43.4
Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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